
        In the era of globalization as we are currently experiencing, we are forced to continue to adapt to technological developments, and E-Wallet is one of them. Gopay, OVO, Funds are all examples of E-Wallet that almost everyone in Indonesia knows.The E-Wallet system can not only buy and sell goods, a system like this can also be used to share goodness with everyone, such as alms/zakat to people in need.Zakat worship is one of the five pillars of Islam that must be fulfilled for every Muslim who is able and has wealth.


        ZAINS has more than 12 years of experience in developing and developing Zakat SIMs in several National Amil Zakat Institutions (LAZ). ZAINS also has Crowfunding as an online donation service that is integrated with ZAINS Finance as a financial management application. have financial reports that comply with PSAK 109 rules so as to facilitate the audit process and increase donor trust. No need to invest in hardware, OS licenses, database licenses, application licenses and need to report maintenance costs. Applications with high maturity. Can start at any time and stop at any time without a minimum contract.

  • Web Crowdfunding integrated with Financial Reports

ZAINS Crowdfunding as an online donation service, integrated with ZAINS Finance as a financial management application.

  • Donation Management and Donor Management

This feature will make it easier for you to manage donations and maintain donors so they can donate more easily and become loyal donors.

  • Beneficiary Management and Distribution of Funds

This feature is intended to manage beneficiaries so that the collected zakat, infaq and donations can be distributed properly to beneficiaries without having to search first and all transactions that have been collected and then distributed can be directly recorded by the system and can immediately be processed into reports.

  • Donor Analysis

With this feature you can analyze donors who have been recorded in transactions and can easily find out the behavior and characteristics of donors so that later this data can be used to make it easier for us to handle future donors in donating.

  • Transaction Reports

Reports of all transactions that have been prepared to make it easier for you to find out the targets, achievements and growth of all transactions and are also accompanied by transaction details that make it easier for you to find out what part of the transaction is.

  • Financial Receipts and Expenditures

A feature that provides direct benefits for you to record all financial recipients and expenditures and at the same time it is directly synchronized with financial reports that will be automatically generated by the system.

  • Daily Book

collect and classify all the same transactions but have a high frequency. This feature is intended to make it easier for you without having to do the bookkeeping in the general ledger and help classify every recorded transaction.

  • Financial statements

Financial reports with automatic journals and can be modified according to user requests. This feature makes it easy for you to generate reports of all transactions that have occurred in the application.

  • Masking SMS

SMS notification feature that can be configured according to the user’s wishes and will be sent after transactions in the application.

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