In 1920, the hospital was built with a capacity of 300 beds by the Dutch government and completed in 1923. On October 15, 1923 it was inaugurated and named Met Algemeene Bandoengsche Ziekenhui. In subsequent developments, the hospital entered the auspices of Bandung Township and was named Rantja Badak Hospital (RSRB), according to the name of the village where this hospital was founded, namely Rantja Badak. The leadership remained by W. J. van Thiel until 1949, after which the hospital was headed by Dr. Paryono Suriodipuro until 1953. In 1954, by the Minister of Health, the RSRB was designated as a Provincial Hospital and directly under the Ministry of Health. In 1956, the RSRB was designated as a Central General Hospital with the treatment capacity increasing to 600 beds. On October 8, 1967, RSRB changed its name to Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital as a tribute to the late Hospital Director who died on July 16, 1967 while still serving as Director and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University (UNPAD).
To meet the needs of the community, RSHS develops various facilities (facilities, infrastructure and tools) in accordance with the Master Plan for the Development of RSHS as a Teaching Hospital
The RSHS Master Plan, which supports the function of RSHS as an Education Hospital, was first designed in 1972, which was later reviewed and developed into the RSHS Master Plan in 1982. Along with the development of science and technology in the health sector, and to meet the needs of the community for an increase in the scope, reach and quality of hospital services, through a soft loan from the OECF / JBIC (Japan), the RSHS Master Plan in 1995 was compiled as a Model for Education Hospitals in Indonesia, with an integral philosophy of medical services and medical education to improve the quality of human life.